What Is BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death)

The blue screen of death or BSOD occurs when Microsoft Windows comes across a critical error from which it can’t recover. It requires a reboot, resulting in loss of work.

It is the most awful type of error experienced by a computer, which doesn’t bring down the whole system. A BSOD is the outcome of low-level software crashing or faulty hardware.

What Causes Blue Screens of Death!

Blue screens are usually caused by issues in your PC hardware or driver software. Standard software shouldn’t be able to cause blue screens. A blue screen occurs due to “STOP Error” on Windows. This failure causes Windows to crash and stop working. The only thing Windows could do is stop the computer and restart it.

When a blue screen error occurs, Windows automatically creates a Minidump file which contains information about the crash and saves it to your disk. You could view information to recognize the cause of blue screen.

Tips to deal with BSOD

BSOD might have various root causes, Following are the tips that could help you to deal with many blue screen errors.

Using System Restore:

If your system started blue-screening, you could use System Restore to roll back the system software to a previous state.

Scan for Malware:

Malware that accommodate into Windows and hooks into the Windows kernel at a low level could cause system flux.You should scan your PC for malware.

Install Updated Drivers:

An erroneously installed or driver containing bugs could lead to crashes. Always download the latest drivers on your computer’s hardware.

Boot into Safe Mode:

If your computer is showing blue-screen every time you turn it on, try to boot into Safe Mode, as Windows loads only the essential drivers. If there’s any installed driver which is causing blue screen on Windows, it won’t be able to do so in Safe Mode.

Check for Hardware issues:

Blue screens are caused by faulty hardware in your computer as well. You should tryto test computer memory for errors, faulty hardware devices.

After following these tips, you could easily fix blue screen of death issues on your Windows PC. Further if you’ve come across any difficulties, get in touch with the windows support for resolution.

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